Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Specimen #1 Wavy Starbusrt Moss

Figure 1. Dry Atrichum altecristatum

Figure 2. Dry Atrichum altecristatum leaves

Figure 3. Wet leaves of Atrichum altercristatum
Figure 4. Rust fuzz of Atrichum altercristatum

Name: Atrichum altercristatum
Common name: Wavy Starburst Moss
Family: Polytrichacea
Collection date: September 1, 2015
Habitat: Somewhat dry and sunny under an oak tree
Location: South Russel, Ohio
Description: Fairly large moss with long branches, dark green and curly when dry but appear lighter and unwind as they become wet.
Collector: Willa Scharlu

Key used: McKnight, Karl B. and Rohrer, Joseph R. 2013. Common Mosses of the NorthEast and Appalachians. Princeton University Press. New Jersey.
Keying steps: 
acrocarp, lance with midrib
1b) plants darker green, shoots loosely associated, leaves flat or folded with midrib usually visible at least at base of leaf
3b) plants on soil, rocks, trees or logs in dry areas, leaves not folded at base
4a) leaf surface rippled/wavy when wet
5a) leaf midrib to leaf tip, visible as green and white stripes
6b) midrib fills ≤1/4 width of upper leaf; leaves 0.7-2mm wide
7b)plants 1-3cm tall; lower stems matted with rust-colored fuzz


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