Name: Tomentypnum nitens
Common name: Golden fern moss
Family: Brachytheciaceae
Collection date: September 12, 2015
Habitat: moist tree base
Location: Newbury, Ohio
Description: Dark green in color with stringy branches leaves
Collector: Katie Trushel
Key used: McKnight, Karl B. and Rohrer, Joseph R. 2013. Common Mosses of the NorthEast and Appalachians. Princeton University Press. New Jersey.
Keying steps:
pleurocarp, lance, costa
1a) plants w/ upright steams, top of plants 3-10cm above substrate
2b) stems pinnately branched nearly to base, thus mimicking an upright feather
5b) plants of wet habitats; stems matted w/ green of red-brown hairs; leaves at stem tips straight
6b) leaves crowded, 3-4mm long
Recheck this one - especially note keying step 1a height of plant.