Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Specimen #4 Tricky Peat Moss

Figure 1. Sphagnum fallax in its natural habitat

Figure 2. Views of the apical heads of the Sphagnum fallax

Name: Sphagnum fallax
Common name: Tricky Peat Moss
Family: Sphagnaceae
Collection date: September 10, 2015
Habitat: bog
Location: Triangle Lake in Ravenna, Ohio
Description: Light green in color, long and stringy
Collector: Katie Trushel

Key used: McKnight, Karl B. and Rohrer, Joseph R. 2013. Common Mosses of the NorthEast and Appalachians. Princeton University Press. New Jersey.
Keying steps:
peat moss
1b) branch leaves with margins flat to somewhat incurved, tip long-pointed, not hooded; stem cross-section w/o conspicuous cortex, less than 1/4 diameter of stem; branches slender, stringy, or spiky
5b) clusters of 5 or fewer branches attached at one point; apical head large or small but not as dense as a pom-pom; stems stiff to flexible; typically grow as cushions, mats, or carpets either in forests or open habitats such as bogs.
6b) branched leaves with apical half gradually narrowed and not bent outward from base 
7b) plants green, yellowish, or brownish with no traces of red
10b) apical head w/ mostly straight branches and not appearing twisted when viewed from above
11a) stem leaves triangular w/ pointed tips, shorter than branch leaves and spreading away from stem or laying flat against stem and pointing toward stem base; if apical head looks like a 5-pointed star, then developing branches between the rays in pairs


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