Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Specimen #9 Common Green Shield Lichen

Figure 1. Flavoparmelia caperata

Figure 2. Close up of Flavoparmelia caperata

Name: Flavoparmelia caperata
Common name: Common Green Shield
Family: Parmeliaceae
Collection date: September 14, 2015
Habitat: Tree bark
Location: Hiram, Ohio
Description: "Foliose pale yellow-green lobes with black lower surface and pale brown under edges, lobes 3-8mm wide." 
Collector: Katie Trushel

Key used: Walewski, Joe. (2007). Lichens of the North Woods. Koliath and Stensas Publishing. Minnesota.
Keying steps:
Tree and Foliose 107
Notes: Extremely common and abundant in urban and industrial areas due to atmospheric pollution. Grows on all bark in sun or partial shade.


1 comment:

  1. Please list the steps you used to key out your specimen.
