Figure 2. Close up of Flavoparmelia caperata
Name: Flavoparmelia caperata
Common name: Common Green Shield
Family: Parmeliaceae
Collection date: September 14, 2015
Habitat: Tree bark
Location: Hiram, Ohio
Description: "Foliose pale yellow-green lobes with black lower surface and pale brown under edges, lobes 3-8mm wide."
Collector: Katie Trushel
Key used: Walewski, Joe. (2007). Lichens of the North Woods. Koliath and Stensas Publishing. Minnesota.
Keying steps:
Tree and Foliose 107
Notes: Extremely common and abundant in urban and industrial areas due to atmospheric pollution. Grows on all bark in sun or partial shade.
Please list the steps you used to key out your specimen.